Evolution Sucks

Let’s face it. Personal growth is hard and sometimes it downright sucks.


This podcast was birthed after a traumatic incident involving my wife and my two youngest kids while on a camping trip – followed by the sudden download that I had CPTSD (complex post-traumatic stress disorder).


Like a hammer blow to the head, I realized the level of trauma I had been carrying my entire life despite my best efforts to enlighten myself was informing my daily actions.


I started seeing how everyone around me had triggers and traumas of their own. What are yours?


Join me on my journey to healing as I share what I discovered after seeking out various therapy modalities from practitioners in my local area and gaining huge insight into how I had been carrying my trauma – and how you may be carrying yours too.


Our wounds are hugely influential in our relationships, health, work and wealth.


What if all that could change?


What would be possible if the “this sucks” turned into the greatest opportunities in our lives? It certainly has in mine.


Full disclosure I leave nothing out.  It’s my journey in all its pain and transformation.


As hard and challenging as evolving can be, it’s essential to our continued growth as a human being. So together, let’s find the light within the dark places.


My intent is that you are inspired by one man’s journey towards self-knowledge and awareness. Evolution Sucks. Give a listen on all major podcast platforms.