Changing your mindset is a daily practice. Support and accountability in the process of making internal or external changes are crucial to your success. I am there to challenge your beliefs about what is possible as well as identify the obstacles standing in your way.
Are you stuck in a pattern of shame and self-rejection?
Are you feeling uninspired with your chosen career path?
Does the voice inside your head keep you from fully embracing Life?
Do you have regrets about the past that keep you from being totally present?
Does your intimate relationship feel like constant chaffing and re-hashing resentments without really evolving?
So let me ask you - how invested are you in letting Life flow by without really living the Life you truly desire? Can you find the purpose and passion to create a deeply meaningful and satisfying Life?
I work with women and men individually, as well as couples to assist them in identifying those beliefs and stories that keep them feeling unfulfilled, then charting a course of transformation going forward.
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
coaching method
If you choose, the path of life is often circuitous, never linear and ever revealing. What’s possible if you were grateful to be walking it?
Take the step and the ground will appear
I draw on my own personal experiences with trauma, heartbreak, self judgment, and finding my way as a man in an ever changing landscape of what that means. How can I show up for myself, my relationships, my world in a more present and invested way? By investigating our stories and beliefs I have seen first hand the shift in myself and my clients when dismantling the old ideas of who we are and what we believe to be true. Using all the tools I have accumulated through hard (inner) work I freely share those to assist my clients in their own journey of awakening to what is possible in their own life.
All our emergent behaviors are based on the past.
Any new behavior, any new thought pattern takes consistency. It can also feel unsafe to engage this new pattern. Manage your expectations - we are blessed with neuroplasticity (re-grow, re-train our neural pathways) but it takes consistency for it to implement - expect resistance. We’re “pattern locked” so this shifting out of the old behaviors and into the new takes consistent commitment.
The training (initially) is to recognize the behavior we are trying to transform, even slipping back into an old pattern is normal, but with a new awareness we can catch ourselves before going down an old rabbit hole.
Notice the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs as you slip into that old behavior.
This is the true journey we can make as human beings. We are being called to emerge from the old paradigms and roles of what it means to be a woman or a man and step into the new prospect of True Self. The work we do ripples outward. Whether we embark on this path as an individual or if we are in a relationship working together towards more connectedness the goal is the same: authenticity and greater capacity to Love.
One candle can light a thousand other candles and still remain lit itself.
Be that candle.
Clearing the clutter of our mental house
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